CBSE Mandatory Disclosure


Address Sector-12, Dwarka, New Delhi
Zone Zone-21, South West-B
Affiliation Number 2730596
School Code 25293
Principal Name Ms. Shalini Agarwal
Principal’s Qualification MA(History) , B.Ed.
School Email ID
Contact Number 011-46000 000(100 Lines)
Copy of Affiliation/ Upgradation Number AFFILIATION CERTIFICATE
Copy of Society Certificate SOCIETY REGISTRATION
Copy of NOC by the Government/Recognition Certificate under RTE Act, 2009 RECOGNITION LETTER
Copy of Valid Building Safety Certificate as per the National Building Code: BUILDING SAFETY CERTIFICATE
Copy of Valid Fire Safety Certificate issued by the Competent Authority : FIRE SAFETY
Copy of DEO Certificate submitted by the School for Affiliation : AFFILIATION DOE
Copy of Valid Water, Health & Sanitation Certificates : WATER ,HEALTH AND SANITATION
List of School Management Committee(SMC) & PTA : MANAGING COMMITTEE
Details Pertaining to School Infrastructure as per application byelaws : INFRASTRUCTURE DETAILS
Teacher Details STAFF DETAILS 2024